Sunday, February 17, 2019

My Twitter Feed

It has seemed to me, more and more of late, that people with nothing to say are saying it on Twitter. There has always been some fluff on Twitter, but it seemed, on balance, less than on another social media platform that I had an account on. And I liked Twitter as a way to take notes, so I was okay with it. But the proportion of fluff has increased to the point that it is less useful, either as a note-taking or note-sharing or news-updating platform.

But perhaps I'm just getting more curmudgeonly as I age. So I will analyze my feed, as of right now.

educator/activist who has become something of a cult-figure, and talks more and more like a cult-leader.
retired news anchor (who remains relevant)
NYTimes opinion on tv shows
math educator/activist who usually has good political commentary or good mathematical observations
538 political commentary
mathematician/activist again
someone kvelling about her offspring
math educator repost of someone's white-privilege
promoted ad for a bank that I will never use
math educator prompt about male-privilege
repost of opportunistic union official
math educator math pun
math educator responding to a silly poll
promoted ad for a premium cable channel
educator/activist repost of a snippy quip

Maybe not so bad. Five or so things that I actually thought were interesting enough that I clicked through.